Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.
Rights are valuable and are often violated by someone or the other. People may suggest you litigation for protection of your rights, but we at lex protector believe that taking it to the Court room should be the last resort. We provide assistance in drafting and also serving notices to the infringers to make them realize their mistake and to cease and desist the violation of your rights. Sending Legal Notices have always worked wonders in commercial as well as non-commercial disputes.
Get a formal communication drafted by our experts and served against a person violating your legal rights, it may save you the time and costs of unnecessary litigation.
Get a formal communication drafted and served against a person violating your legal rights related to Trademark, Patents, Copyright, Designs and other IP Rights.
We may draft the notice/communication in your name and you may serve it directly to the person concerned.
We may draft the notice on Firm’s letter head and serve the same on your behalf being your attorney.
Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.
Legal notices can be effective way to avoid the complicacies of litigation. Nobody wants to resort to courts to redress their issues in the very start. Even courts promote parties to settle the disputes outside amicably. Legal Notice thus is a good way to communicate your concern to the other party and get the matter resolved permanently.
Serving a well drafted notice increases the chances of the infringer to cease and desist his act of infringement. Thus it saves your time and money. This is because most of the infringers don’t even know that they are infringing upon someone’s rights and thus making them aware of the situation is the primary objective of the notice. In majority of the cases it has been found that the other party complies unconditionally.
It is a gentlemanly move to warn your opponent before filing a suit and if the other party doesn’t pays attention to your notice, it’s a clear signal to approach the court. The letter can be used in a court of law to prove that the other party was informed about the alleged violation and still continued with the infringement. It will make your case strong and will increase the chances of winning the case.
The basic source of our team’s strength and commitment lies in our dedication towards the discipline. Almost all of our team members exclusively have specialized in the field of Intellectual Property Rights and are passionate to deliver their best in terms of services.
Our team comprises of a group of skilled and young professionals who are capable of handling several tasks in an impeccable manner. Our young team of professionals specializes in the discipline of Intellectual Property Rights and has been delivering time bound results without compromising with the quality of the work. Our ambitions are driven by the idea of success which we believe rests in our client’s level of satisfaction with our work.
Our client base has no geographical boundaries. For the last three years, we have been working with clients based in the regions like North America, South America, Australia, Europe and several South Asian Nations. Our global reach established via international networking in such a short period of time is purely a result of high level commitment towards our work and client satisfaction which we have garnered through the quality of our work.
Beyoncé’s decade-long legal pursuit to trademark her daughter Blue Ivy’s name has finally come to a victorious conclusion. What began as a simple application in 2012 culminated in a landmark decision by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB). This case underscores the complexities of trademark registration and highlights the importance of securing intellectual property […]
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