Today’s Patent- Laser optical surveying instrument and method
Surveying instrument – an equipment i.e. used for measuring the relative positions of an object on earth’s surface by evaluating the horizontal distances, direction and other angles.
By providing accurate measurement it facilitates the construction work such as bridges, dams or highways, as well as preparation of various types of maps for planning or designing of any work.
Since its use by the Egyptians in 1400 B.C for dividing land into plots with the passage of time, now it is available in different types with various improved techniques.
On 14th December 1971 Richard A Jaenicke and Raymond A Evanson got Patent Protection with the Patent Number US3627429A for a new and improved laser optical surveying instrument and method, which includes a telescope and a laser head coupled together with movable optics that directs the output beam from the laser head into the eyepiece and through the telescope.
It has overcome the hurdles of earlier surveying instrument which makes the measurement process time consuming and difficult, as they uses separate focusing controls on the transit and laser, i.e transit being optically focused through the transit telescope and laser is focused by separate means.
By Lex Protector ')}