Patent is a form of Intellectual property. It is set of exclusive rights granted by a government to an inventor or applicant for a limited amount of time. It is legal defining ownership of a particular area of new technology.Lex Protector International Office provides all the services you need to assistance you regarding to registration of patent in almost every country.
Patent provide the platforms for making important commercial decisions. They are all about how best to use limited capital resources. Patent can be used positively as a means to capture an area that needs to be developed.
The law of Patent is a legal framework that establishesa patent system which supports and encourages technological innovation and promotes economic development. Patent law is increasing underpublic attention; WIPO provides a platform for member states and governmental.
Patent protects the right of the inventor to prohibit un-permitted production, utilization or selling of his invention without the rightful permission. Patent are important in the sense that they promote innovation. This innovation is shared our society that the originator has his invention protected. PatentProtection seems simple enough, but don’t mistake simplicity for unimportance. Patent protection is directly related to growth.
Patent information is an important resource for researches and inventors, commercial enterprises and patent professionals.