The developing interest of porn websites draws the attention of some free riders to duplicate and transfer the copyrighted pictures and recordings of the first entertainers to win pain free income, for which the privilege of the first copyright holder encroaches and sums to awesome misfortune to him and his profession. Because of such unlawful action both maker and entertainers are confronting loss of business and perplexity among steadfast watchers and clients identifying with the honest to goodness wellspring of the picture and video.
As per the information provided by our client relating to the infringement by the website, we have properly investigated in to the matter and recognize a real copyright infringement. According to our client’s demand we have send a DMCA Notice (i.e. Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notice) to the infringing website and as a consequence of the legal notice, the infringing website has complied positively and remove the infringing content.
Pre Removal Screenshot
Post Removal Screenshot

At Lex Protector International Law office, we give quick alleviation and sufficient IP authorization to our customers with appropriate legitimate structure and due tirelessness. Here at Lex Protector International Law office our legitimate group is constantly anxious to help and secure the scholarly right and convey appropriate solutions for defend the privileges of our clients.