Today’s Patent- DOORBELL

The signaling device which is placed at a building’s entrance is a doorbell. This device is an essential one as it alerts the owner’/occupant of any visitor to their place. Charles M. Buegess received his U.S. Patent for a ‘Doorbell’ in the year 1893.
This invention is a simple and economical improvement in doorbells for an efficient operation of it. The same mechanism may be applied in a portable call bell as well without any material modification to the same.
At a series of strokes in rapid succession, the doorbell can produce a sound as long as the operator may desire. By providing a sliding hammer with only one head for sounding the bell, the speed of the shaft can be increased to give an efficient blow and at the same time, sufficient interval between the strokes is given to give a clear ring to the bell which would not be the case if the hammer revolved at the same speed making two strokes of the bell.