Hairdressers use protective clothing for individuals whose hair they dress. Rober A. Thuaud received his patent for the invention, “Protective hairdressing cape”, from the USPTO on 20th February 1979.
The present invention is related to a protective hairdressing cape that is directed to be used while cutting the hair. It is made from a smooth sheet of a flexible, crease-resistant material, comprising of distinctive features to offer better protective clothing throughout various hairdressing operations. The known devices for holding the capes in place do not satisfy the requirements of professional hairdressers which is why this invention is a new cape to satisfy this need.
The objective of this invention is to provide an improved idea for prior hairdressing capes by making it in such a manner that it adapts to these shortcomings. In this case, the cape must be maintained at the shoulder level, thereby permitting it to be in the position where the said system of guidelines can be used.
By LexProtector