Today’s Trademark- Food Lion

Food Lion is an American company that has a chain of grocery superstores. The journey of the company began through a single store in 1957 in Salisbury and currently, the company operates over one thousand stores around the United States.
The grocery chain was acquired by a Belgian conglomerate, Delhaize group in the year 1974. The company gained a huge market presence in the Mid- Atlantic and Southeastern United States.
In the Financial year 2019, the Company’s sales rose $1.85 billion and same-store sales increased 3.2% in the quarter. The Company’s revenues and profits ensure and provide a growing opportunity for Food Lion.
Food Lion also introduced another supermarket chain named Bloom in the year 2004 but later in the year 2011, all Bloom Stores were wither sold or converted into Food Lion stores.
The trademark of this company was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 1427887 on February 3, 1987.