Today’s Trademark- Pampers

Pampers is a well-known brand in every house with a toddler or an infant. Pampers were introduced to the public in the year 1961 and was marketed by Procter & Gamble.
Victor Mills and his fellow researchers almost spent 5 years in P&G’s Exploratory Division in Miami Valley, Ohio looking into making a better disposable diaper. Pampers were created by researchers at P&G including Vic Mills and Norma Lueders Baker.
The name “Pampers” was coined by Alfred Goldman, Creative Director at Benton & Bowles, the first ad agency for the account. Pampers announced that the goal was to give parents an option for an affordable natural diaper brand.
The trademark of this company was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 745513. The mark is in use since 15th November 1961.