Indian Trademark Search

Be Sure Before you Invest

Ascertain chances of procuring a successful registration over your desired trademark with the help of our expertise.

Indian Trademark Search

Good Result at Competitive Prices

You will be provided a written search report with tabular details of all relevant trademarks and a professional opinion drafted by our trademark experts.

Indian Trademark Search

Dodge and Detect Possible Infringements

Search can be used to save your brand from possible trademark infringement and can also help to identify infringers so that you can take timely action against them.

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Indian Trademark Search

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What Do I Get?

A written search report on our firm’s official letterhead with details of all conflicting marks along with an expert opinion drafted by our professionals.


Our 3-step process is fast and easy.
Complete our simple, easy-to-understand questionnaire
We conduct your comprehensive trademark search
Your report is delivered to your Email ID

Just fill up the questionnaire, make payment and your search report will arrive within next 48 hours.

Trademark search not only helps in ascertaining chances of successful trademark registration, but also helps you to identify competitors operating in the same business segment as yours.

Trademark Search Packages



Number of marks searched: One

Find similar trademarks for one mark in one class of goods and services.

Database used: Trademark Registry

Indian Trademark Registry is the only database used in this package.

Search Duration: 3-5 days

Get an easy to understand Search Report with details of similar marks within 3-5 business days.



Number of marks searched: Upto Two

The search is conducted for two marks in maximum two classes.

Database used: Trademark Registry and other online database

Access chances of receiving objections from other trademark holders within search report.

TM Search report : 2-3 days

This search report will give you thorough analysis of the results found in multiple database within 2-3 business days.



Number of marks searched: Upto Three

The search is conducted in multiple classes for up to three marks.

Database used: Trademark Registry, online database and Global IP database

Global IP Database is also used for search apart from registry and online sources.

TM Search report: Within 48 hours.

We will start the search immediately and you will get the search report within 48 business hours.


I’ve utilized Lex Protector’s services for US trademarks/EU Trademarks/UK Trademarks, US Design Patents, and other similar projects. They do a great job at an affordable rate. I’ll definitely be using them again.

Joseph T

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

Great team ! Great cooperation. The notable thing is that what they commit they will deliver . I had a great difficulty with other TRADEMARK people and ultimately I found them and the Lex protector Bangalore team , especially shilpa’s coordination is commendable. All the best team and its founder Aurobindo Pandey for future successes n milestones .

Varun Uday

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

I would highly recommend any person or company seeking patent protection to use this firm. The communication is incredible; they provide clear direction on what is required and what has transpired. They are genuinely concerned about the outcome and will work tirelessly as part of your team to strive for a successful outcome. Our patent was granted yesterday and it could not have happened without LexProtector. 100% satisfied. Now we have entrusted them to a second patent review, and will have more to follow.

David Jacobson

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

They accomplished all I needed and were incredibly helpful and responsive. If someone wishes to register a trademark similar to mine, please use Lex Protector. You’ll not regret it.

Hyunjae Rhee

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

I have worked with this firm to file account for their United Kindom entity at Companies House and HMRC. Good to work with and cooperative and a service provider of Tradeamark, Patents, Design registration services in UK and many countries around the work.

Tahir Shah

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

My experience with Lex Protector was very good. I tasked them with a prior art search and they delivered a high quality report very fast. I will use their services again.

Marco Lolaico

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

With your help, progress has been accelerated.
Also I would definitely recommend this place to anyone else who needs an expert in this field.
Thanks again, always be happy!

Jungmi Kim

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

We have successfully been granted multiple patents and trademarks, thanks to Lex Protector! They are exceptional IP attorneys who are “worth their weight in gold”… and there is simply not enough stars to reflect the value they provide!

Dome Audio Inc.

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

Team is highly efficient.
Things went very smooth in getting our trademarks registered.
Lex Protector is my go to company for all my trademark related legal querries not only for India but even for USA, Australia and other major countries.

Shalin Talajia

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

The experience with Lex Protector was fantastic.
They accomplished all 3 trademarks I needed and were incredibly helpful and responsive and the work was dine very good time frame (not waited long). If someone wishes to register a trademark similar to mine, please use Lex Protector.

Biswajit Goswami

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

Amazing experience. Very professional and resourceful . I have used them for all my trademarks in several countries namely: USA, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Australia and China. They have helped me several times in solving IP issues for my listings on amazon. Always available for quick questions over skype, anything they are not sure about they will be 100% transparent which is extremely important in Trademarks and IP.

Waleed Al Saleh

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

I have been taking service from Lex Protector since few years now. Excellent advice on trademark area I.e. registration, maintain, advice. We have also received best advice and work on legal policy drafts, legal letters etc. I highly recommend them specially to Mr. Siddharth who is prompt in replying. Much appreciate.


Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

I have been using Lex Protector now for around 4 years to do all of my Patent filing and registrations and Trademark registrations in various countries. They have always been very thorough, professional and timely to deal with. They have always came through for me. I highly recommend that you use Lex Protector for any of your legal work you need completing, they will not let you down! 5 stars!

Allan Say

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

My Experience With LEX PROTECTOR Was Very Good. I Contacted Siddharth Mathur Sir For My Company’s Trademark Related Work. He Solved All my query and douts very Promptly and Precisely.

Sardar Agro

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

Processing is good with a lot of experience and quick communication. I will contact you again if there is anything else.

Yesol Baek

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

Professional, great communicators, great results. Would not hesitate to use firm’s services for trademark registration again. Thanks!


Founder Star Pack, Australia

Great work as always for Trademark Search from Lex Protector.


MD Gold Tiger Holdings, FL, USA

Lex Protector helped us file several trademarks and copyright. They were easy to reach, always available and were quick to understand the legal requirements of our business. Recommended!


CEO VitaminBestBuy, NY, USA

Hired them for Patent filing and Trade Mark. They were great to work with. Will be using them again.

Cornelius John Vanderkolk

CEO, Scilent Action, USA

I was very happy with their work, they successfully had links removed under the DMCA Takedown processes on several websites, it was very cost effective and stress free way to protect our brand.

Riel Roussopoulos

CMO, IXLD Media Inc, Canada

Lex Protector made this very easy for me, they took care of everything in a very professional way. Top notch service!

Javier Benia O’Neill

Director, QB Media, Uruguay

Not the first time we have worked with LexProtector and we continue to be very satisfied with the quality of work and support. Knowledge on international law is exceptional, this vendor keeps on top of us to ensure they are able to deliver within set deadlines and expectations, will continue to work with.

Janie Lee Brown

Operations Manager, Morgan McKinley, UAE

Lex Protector have experienced and professional attorneys. I was privileged to work with them on some items and will certainly work with Aurobinda in the future. I have met with him in person when in India and found him to be just as professional in person as he is thru Emails.

Andrew Benson

President and CEO, DJAB Networks, USA

Professional, great communicators, great results. Would not hesitate to use Lex Protector’s Services again. Thanks!

Matthew Hodge

Co-Founder, Star Pack Products, Australia

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Trademark Search?

Trademark Search is a critical legal step in process of selecting a new trademark. It is a normal search conducted online in a Trademark database to check whether a similar mark has already been applied for or registered in the similar class of goods/services as that of yours. It is also done to analyze strengths and weaknesses of your mark and to access the chances of a successful grant of registration.

What are the types of Trademark search?

Different countries might have their own Trademark Search systems, but primarily there are two types of trademark search: (1) Database search and (2) Common law search. The database search is a formal search which is conducted in the records available at the Registry of the Trademarks, while common law search is an informal search which is conducted outside the Government records.

At what stage a Trademark Search is done?

Usually, Trademark Search is conducted before filing the application for registration of your mark. It is done in the preliminary stages of the trademark registration process. You can also do a trademark search to identify infringers after you have procured registration over your trademark.

Why is Trademark Search important before proceeding with any trademark registration?

Registering a trademark is a lengthy process. If you choose a mark which is already on register or applied for registration, there are chances that your mark may get opposition from other registered/ third party users of the mark and that can prolong the application process. Apart from an Applicant and Opponent, a third party can also file an opposition to your trademark registration. So, to avoid this hardship and to save your time and money, it is wise to conduct a professional Trademark Search.

Is the outcome of Trademark Search a final decision?

The finality of the Trademark search will depend on the mark and its status in the registry of Trademark. Trademark Search only gives you the detail of other similar marks in the market. It is to be checked whether your mark is confusingly similar to an earlier registered / well-known trademark. The principle factor for coming to the conclusion is similarity between the marks and goods and services identified by the marks.

How reliable the results are?

All National Trademark registries maintains a record called as a Register of Trademarks which contains full details of all applications and renewals of all regional trademarks. Besides, no registration is required for common law rights in Trademarks thus, those marks would not be available in the database. But, it is always good to have the research done so that you can ease up your application process.

Is Trademark Search mandatory?

No, Trademark Search is not mandatory but as it provides the details of all other registered, pending, applied for marks for same/similar goods and services, it would be beneficial for you to conduct a basic Trademark Search. It would lessen down the scope of oppositions and make your application much stronger.

How is a Trademark Search done?

Normally any person or a company can conduct a trademark search online by visiting the trademark site but the search result will not be at a same level as a professional services. The search will be conducted according to the mark, for example, whether it is a word mark, stylized mark, logo types or is a trade dress. Especially when the mark is a logo or is a non-conventional trademark, it’s difficult for an individual to conduct the search himself and professional expertise is must.

What can be the outcome of Trademark Search?

There are certain possibilities available after you conduct a basic Trademark Search. One is there might be same / similar/ identical registered mark in the market with different kind of goods and services. The other possibility is, there might be same / similar, Identical mark in the market for same/ similar goods and services, but the mark might not be registered or is objected or not renewed or the proprietor of that registered mark is not using for the registered goods and services, or the proprietor has abandoned the mark.

Can the Trademark Search be only done in the initial stages of trademark registration process?

The trademark search can be done after the mark has been registered to check new applications and file opposition if the mark is same/ similar to your mark which is also called Trademark monitoring. But if you haven’t applied for registration, it’s wise to conduct a trademark search before you apply.

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