This is an important step in Trademark Registration. In which we try to find marks similar to yours.
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You will get an easy to understand Search report which will give you the details about all the similar results found. You will also get expert opinion on how you should proceed with the filing.
Trademark search will help you in finding similar registered and unregistered trademarks which are already being used in commerce.
In this search is conducted for one mark in one class.
USPTO is the only database used in this package.
You will also get an easy to understand, meticulously drafted Search Report within 3-5 business days.
The search is conducted for two marks in two classes.
Apart from USPTO other online sources are also used.
This search report will give you thorough analysis of the results found in multiple database within 2-3 business days.
The search is conducted in multiple classes for up to three marks.
Apart from USPTO and online sources Global IP Database is also used for search.
We will start the search immediately and you will get the search report in your hand within 48 business hours.
This is an important step in Trademark Registration. In which we try to find marks similar to yours.
Yes, through Trademark Search only we can find out about the strength of the mark. Meaning it can be concluded that whether such mark will face any difficulty in getting registration or whether it will be a smooth, hassle free process. It will also help in decreasing the chances of any future litigation, by finding out whether your mark is infringing someone else’s mark or not, which in turn will save your money and time.
A search before you start using your mark in commerce and prior to trademark application is suggested in order to try to establish whether the same or similar marks already exist, as it will save your time and money.
No, the USPTO does not conduct any Trademark Search.
We, have a team of highly efficient legal professionals, who have gained expertise in the field of Intellectual Property Rights. Our efficient team conducts the search within brief time to deliver the best results to you.
It takes one to two days to complete a Trademark Search.
We need certain information from your end to go on with the search. As a reason of which we provide you with a questionnaire, which contains some very basic information regarding the mark and your business. In case if you find any difficulties in filling up those details or any information is missing, we may contact you with your given mail ID or contact number for the details. Basically the name of the mark, type of goods/service for which you are using it in commerce and the first date of use of your mark are the primary requirement.
The Trademark search discloses marks which are identical or confusingly similar, to your mark. This in turn will give us the idea that whether your mark is likely to infringe any other mark or not.
You might go on and use the mark, but we will not advise that. The reason behind this is, at the time of the search there might not be any similar mark, but later on any mark similar to yours may come and register themselves. At that time if you do not have a registration, you have to prove that you are the honest concurrent prior user which is quite difficult to prove. On the other hand if you have a registration, your registration will be considered as the conclusive proof of your ownership over the mark. So, if the search result is clear we advise you to start with the registration procedure at once.
By the search we get a brief idea about similar marks. So, in the future if at all objection is raised by the registry we know how to deal with it. Which in turn expedites the registration procedure.
Yes, we conduct deep and extensive search to find unregistered marks as well.
If you continue using the mark or if you file an application without conducting Trademark Search, there is a chance that you are infringing someone else’s mark. If that is the case and the particular person files an infringement action against you, you will be restrained from using the mark, this will also affect your reputation and goodwill in the market. For the above stated reasons, we strongly advise to conduct Trademark Search.
If any similar mark to that of yours is found, we will suggest you to make some changes to the existing mark or come up with a new mark. For the amended or the new mark we will conduct an independent Trademark search and guide you.
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