Patent of the week-Instrument for improving the hearing

Now-a-days with the improvement in medical sector, apparatus, instruments and scientific technology, when anyone becomes ill or damage caused to any human organ, getting cured or replacement of the impaired part is no longer remain a barrier.
Disability of hearing loss is one of such measure diseases, by which we loss our hearing quality and will not be able to listen clearly. But today we need not to worry for this as we have hearing instruments which one can wear in ear, thereby can listen everything clearly and overcome this malady.
Hearing instruments which we look today are the result of inventions made by great inventors. Adolphus A Knudson and Frank H Clark came up with certain new and useful improvements in these instruments for improving the hearing which got Patent Protection with the Patent Number US671138A on 2nd April 1901.
The object of the invention is to provide a neat, simple and effective device in such a manner by which persons of defective hearing can distinguish sounds more clearly.
Before this invention various methods have been used is such hearing devices, for confining the sound-waves and conducting the greatest volume of sound to the inner ear, but the success rate was not at par. They found out the solution by improving the construction of the instrument, wherein a case i.e. made up of metal or hard rubber similar to the usual watch case, composed of the superior part or cover and the inferior part along-with coiled tube and tube projects are arranged in such a manner which will result in greater volume of sound.
Another object is to provide the whole instrument of such a size that can be concealed in the palm of the hand, with the end piece which can be inserted in the outer ear, without attracting attention. ')}