Today’s Patent- Portable Beam Generator

Portable beam generator also known as hand held laser ray gun, is a portable apparatus which utilizes an energized light beam to transfer sufficient energy to a workpiece for operations such as welding or cutting. Fredrick R. Schollhammer, got a patent protection over portable beam generator. This protection was provided by USPTO on 9th July, 1968, with patent number US 3392261.
This was the first of this kind of patent granted to the portable beam generator. As a reason of which we are we are honoring this invention and the inventor by making it our “Today’s Patent”.
In this patent, the portable beam generator characterized by a column in an optical maser and an adjustable mean for focusing the beam of coherent light provided by the maser at a predetermined point. It is also characterized with movable extension column, switch means which insures the relationship between axis and focal point of the beam and the material to be worked on and controls pumping of maser. A mean for visual observation is also provided in portable beam generator.
By Lex Protector ')}