Hairdressers use protective clothing for individuals whose hair they dress. Rober A. Thuaud received his patent for the invention, “Protective hairdressing cape”, from the USPTO on 20th February 1979. The present invention is related to a protective hairdressing cape that is directed to be used while cutting the hair. It is made from a smooth sheet […]
Read moreThe band’s first two albums were released in the year 1979 and 1980 with Kim Wilson’s lead vocals and harmonica, Jammie Vaughan as the lead guitarist, and Keith Ferguson on bass guitar. Both these albums were initially sold through the Small numbers printed approx. 3000 units but these are now regarded as significant blues recording. […]
Read moreThere have been several failed attempts in the past with respect to the invention of a toothbrush to clean the tooth surface that is difficult to reach. In today’s patent, we will discuss an automatic “Toothbrush”, invented by Martin H. Kaufman and patented by the USPTO on 18th February 1986. The present invention provides a kind […]
Read moreEstablished in 1978 Edwardo’s Natural Pizza has a reputation for providing their innovative Chicago-style stuffed pizza loaded with all fresh and natural ingredients. Its pizza is one of the highly recommended pizzas throughout the Midwest and has been acclaimed by food critics and newspaper polls as the “favorite pizza” in Chicago, Milwaukee, and Minneapolis. The […]
Read moreThomas J. Roberts received his patent for the invention “Contamination prevention system for bathtub” (US3938200A), from the USPTO on 17th February 1976. The present invention relates to a contamination prevention system for the bathtub which is a low-cost invention. It obviates the need to sterilize a bathtub each time it is used, especially for health care institutions. Since […]
Read moreThe Arthritis Foundation is a voluntary health organization that backs the research into the prevention and cure of arthritis simultaneously helping the already affected individuals to improve their quality of life. Arthritis is an inflammatory condition of the joints which may cause swelling and pain in the joints. The foundation was established in 1948 to […]
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