Scooby-Doo is an American Animated Television series. Scooby-Doo is a cartoon story that revolves around the Adventures of a group of friends accompanied by a Great Dane. The Television series has been aired from 1969 to the current years and the first Serial was created by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears for Hanna Barbera Productions. […]
Read moreFastback books are generally bound in a paper cover which may be attached by passing a block of clamped pages or sewn sections through a machine. “Bookbinding” invented by Charles V. Hawkes which was patented by the USPTO on 22nd January 1980. This invention relates to improvements in methods of binding books particularly in the field […]
Read moreTed’s Hot Dogs is a popular family-owned and managed American Fast-Food Chain. The Journey of this Food chain began when its founder Theodore Spiro started selling hot dogs from a horse-drawn cart in 1913. The company’s journey began from a small shack and they started to set up small Hot Dog stands in multiple cities […]
Read moreWipers are used in automobiles so as to clean the windshield against water, dust, or for a clearer vision. They are manufactured in two different versions, namely left-hand, and right-hand versions. The manufacturing and storage of these 2 versions is a challenging and confusing task. Peter C. Pethers received his patent for the invention “Wiper […]
Read moreVictoria’s Secret is a famous American Company that sells Lingerie, Clothes, and Beauty products. The Company’s success and fame are majorly owed to the Fashion show and Beauty pageants conducted by the company. The Company was founded in the year 1977. From 2008 onwards, the Company started expanding its International Territory and International Stores. Currently, […]
Read moreTraditional toilet flushing mechanisms involves a system operated through a floating apparatus which controls the level of incoming water where a downward valve controls the discharge of water from the tank. The conventional toilet flushing system would be beneficial if a mechanical alteration device is attached to conserve water and use water appropriately for the […]
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