Register a Trademark Safely!
A brand is one of the intangible assets that you can use depending on your interests or needs. You can renounce it in a part or in a whole. A trademark consists of signs capable of being represented graphically, provided that such signs exclusively different products or services of the company with those of its competitors. A trademark is a unique sign to distinguish goods or services of one undertaking from those of its competitors.
The owner of the mark, in the act of registration must be the same person registered as such in the Registration of Marks. So make sure to make you register in advance (or at the same time) as the new owner to register. If the brand was sold several times before you do become an owner, you must make sure that all previous owners have been entered in the register. If this is not the case, you need to register the transfer of ownership
The owner may use, if desired, to an agent, that is to say a person representing him. It can be a patent attorney, a lawyer, a society or, more generally, any natural or legal person having its domicile, seat or an establishment in a Member State of the Community.
You have to choose the agents by checking the attorney, called trademark attorney. Please visit our full article on trademark attorney.
The brand can take various forms: a graph, a word, a surname or personal name, designs, letters, numerals, the shape of the product or packaging. It is important that the mark enables to distinguish specific products.
The application may be submitted online, by fax or by mail. An official form, not mandatory, but highly recommended is available on the website of the Office, there are many trademark registration websites where you submit forms online. An explanatory note is also available. If the request can be made to the Office, it may also be filed with the national or international patent offices. ')}