Today’s Patent- Aibo Dog

Having a dog is amazing, but having a robotic dog is more than amazing. Somewhere in 1999 tech giant Sony realised this fact and made a robotic dog and named it AIBO, which in Japanese means pal or partner. Inventor Masahiro Fujita made this possible. However, this was not a first robotic pet, before Aibo, there were many more robotic pets.
Sony simply came up with some improvements which were noteworthy. On 27th July, 1999 Sony Corp got Patent protection over the dog with Patent number US5929585. This robotic system comprised of plurality of legs to support the body, these legs can move independently basing upon the pre-determined attitude of the Robotic System which ranges from standing attitude, a walking attitude, a sitting attitude to a working attitude, and a lying attitude.
By Lex Protector ')}