Today’s Patent- Berry Bush Covering Machine

Berries are small, juicy, pulpy and colorful fruits that are gobbled up by people around the world and many other food items like jam cakes etc are made by it.
Berry cultivation is mainly done in parts of Northern America and Alaska and other cold regions. In India also they are grown in cold areas because berry bushes need a cold climate to grow. But sometimes due to heavy frost or snowfall, the bushes get damage and the harvesters or the farmers undergoes heavy loss.
But this scenario has changed with the invention of Berry-Bush-Covering Machine by Ernest. Kummer.
He invented certain new and advanced techniques for the protection of the berry bushes. The main motive behind his invention was to protect berry bushes and similar other shrubs from winter frost. The machine is such that it can be drawn by a team of horses or cow, now by motors over the bushes that bends the bushes and by which it can be automatically covered by dirt and can be protected. The invention got patent protection on 13th of February 1923 with Patent Number of US1444971A.
By Lex Protector ')}