A belt is formed of a single piece of high strength nylon line approximately 50-100 feet long attached to a belt buckle by a series of loops which constitute the warp strands of a woven band. In today’s patent, we will talk about the invention of Parker K. Auburn, the “Survival Belt” (US4177522A), which was patented by the USPTO on 11th December 1979.
This invention relates to an article having a utility, which the outdoorsman would be inclined to take with him on an excursion. There are many situations where a coil of survival line in a belt becomes extremely desirable to have on hand while camping, hunting, etc. Even in cases where an individual gets lost in any isolated area, he would need a survival line to assist him. This line can be carried in an easily accessible backpack.
The present article is made from a single length of high strength cord which produces a long single length of survival line with great utility during emergency situations. It can be worn with trousers, jeans, etc. Survival belt is extremely advantageous especially for those who are backpacking and would prefer to carry only the most necessary, indispensable equipment with them to minimize the weight and volume.