Today’s Patent- Electric Hammer

Electric tools have made many day-to-day works simpler. When it comes to any kind of construction or repairing work whether at home or in any industry electric machines and tools helps a lot to complete the work within a short time period and reduces the labor of the persons who will do the work in hand if such a tool is not there.
Electric hammers – one of these electric tools which nowadays are coming with new features, so as to make the work of construction, repairing or drilling or any other similar works easier and safer.
Reuben S Smith came up with certain new and useful improvements in this Electric Hammer which got Patent Protection with the Patent Number US983943A on 14th February 1911.
The main intention of his invention is to make new, useful advancements in the electric hammer, wherein the hammerhead elevated by magnetic pull and the hammer-blow is caused by the action of gravity elevated by magnetic pull in the same direction. The objective is to set the hammer in motion in such a way that during the application of force, it’s capacity will be extended more, which will give more results.
By Lex Protector ')}