Today’s Trademark- Fritolay

In 1932, C. E. Doolin found Frito Co. And Herman Lay started selling potato chips. Lay and Doolin began a close business relationship where Frito Co. sold Lays potato chips in the Southwest and Lays Co. sells Frito’s corn chips in Southeast.
In 1948, Cheetos was introduced and in 1958 the very famous Ruffles Chips were introduced. In 1961 Frito Co. and H.W.Lay Co. Merge to form Frito-Lay and in 1965 Frito-Lay merges with Pespi-Cola to form Pepsico.
It was in 1979 that Frito-Lay’s annual sale exceeded 1 billion dollars. The very famous mascot Chester Cheetah appears for Cheetos. While being in the consumer goods industry it realised the raising concerns of health and environment.
Accordingly it developed environmental friendly plants for manufacturing. To address the health issue it launched Baked Lays in 1996 and made every snack chips Trans-fat free in 2006. Ever since it is evolving to reach different areas of snacks like cookies, popcorn and salsa dips.
This year Frito-Lay was marked at 41 rank by Forbes under World’s Most Valuable Brands 2018. Therefore the Frito-Lay receives registration and protection under USPTO having registration no: 841324.
By Lex Protector ')}