Today’s Trademark- Prudential

Having sustained a life span for about 90 years in the Asian financial market, Prudential incorporated its first transoceanic life operation at Calcutta, India in the year 1923. Several Insurance companies came into existence during 1920s Commonwealth, and Prudential came into the market and expanded its ambit for business, in places like Malaysia (1924), Singapore (1931) and Hong Kong (1964).
n the year 1994, Prudential Corporation was successfully owning its Regional Head Office for Asia, at Hong Kong so as to elongate the radii for its business beyond Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The pivotal objectives of the company is to foster the concepts Like Education, Health, Safety across several developing and developed nations.
Today, with such prominent portfolio strategies for businesses, multi-channel branching capacities, customer-centric products and services, and considerable brand equity, have made Prudential; the leading life insurers across Asia and one of the eminent region’s based asset management group and for which Prudential has been quoted as ‘Trademark of the day’ and has received registration and protection under USPTO having registration no:693628.
By Lex Protector ')}