Today’s Trademark- Nordea

Nordea is the result of the successive mergers and acquisitions of the Swedish, Finnish, Danish and Norwegian banks of Nordbanken, Merita Bank, Unibank and Kreditkassen (Christiania Bank og Kreditkasse) that took place between 1997 and 2000.The name Nordea comes from the Swedish bank Nordbanken, the name is also a contraction of the words Nordic and ideas.
Nordea operation are from international markets.It handles a broad range of investment banking products and services including fixed income, currencies, commodities, equities, debt capital markets, and corporate finance. It also supplies advisory services and internationally acknowledged economic research and analysis.
It registered its mark on Apr. 15, 2003 under USPTO with registration number- 2706035. It got registered in Finland on 14th September, 2001.Where Nordea serves 11 million private and 700,000 active corporate customers. The group also operates an Internet bank, which has more than 5.9 million online customers and performs more than 260 million payments per year.