Today’s Trademark- Betty Crocker

Betty Crocker has created 99 years ago, in the year 1921 by Washburn-Crosby and advertiser Bruce Barton. In 1928, Washburn Crosby merged with other milling companies to form General Mill. For almost a century, the company has been a source of modern cooking instruction and recipe invention. Betty Crocker is a fictional character and the name was created by the company. Betty was chosen as the name was considered friendly and the surname was chosen to honor a popular and recently retired director of the company William Crocker.
The first product with the Betty Crocker name was introduced in 1942 which was a dried soup mix. Betty’s trademarked Red Spoon began appearing on their packaging in 1954 and now appears on 200 plus products produced by the company.
The company and brand is active in countries like the United Kingdom, Iceland, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Australia and other countries across Asia and Europe