Today’s Trademark- Kroger

The Kroger Company also known as Kroger is an American retailing company, which was founded by Bernard Kroger in 1883, when he invested his life saving $372 to open a grocery store.
The company usually operates on its own or by its subsidiaries i.e. through 2,779 supermarkets and multi department stores. Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, today the company maintains market in 35 states under nearly two dozen banners.
Apart from grocery retails, the company also has 2,274 pharmacies and other segments to be in conformity with their one stop shopping strategy. The company got registration over its trademark on 16th August, 1966 with registration number 813182. As a reason of which, United States second largest grocery retailer company is our “Today’s Trademark”.
By Lex Protector ')}