RENAULT is a multinational automobile corporation manufacturing various segments of vehicles. It was founded by “Louis Renault, Marcel Renault and Fernard Renault” in the year 1898.
It is specialized in motorized vehicles like automobiles and structural parts and structural fittings thereof. The Renault group has 183000 employee base in around 37 countries.
In 1924 the first appearance of the diamond shape as logo was used which went through many changes during the years but the diamond shape remained intact. In 2018 the Renault group celebrated its 120th birthday. During the time span of 1906-1914 it had many subsidiary companies from USA, Germany, Spain, Hungary, and Russia, currently working in 134 countries.
It registered its mark in the year 2006 on USPTO with registration number- 3072692, and foreign registration in France on 8th June, 1990 with registration number- 1596439 thus making it our today’s trademark.