On July 7, 1999, Thyssenkrupp got registration over its mark in Germany with registration number 39901157.9. In honour of the Comapny, Lex Protector International Law Office, on this date, presents “Thyssenkrupp” as our “Today’s Trademark”.
Thyssenkrupp got registration over its mark in USPTO on October 14, 2003, with registration number 2772810. It is a German company mainly dealing in steel and industrial engineering with headquarters at Duisburg and Essen, Germany.
Thyssenkrupp was formed from the merger of Thyssen and Krupp on March 17, 1999.
After the merger, the company saw its revenues increased by 4 times and 65% growth in sales within the first 10 years. It is present in 79 countries. According to Forbes, Thyssenkrupp is the world’s 183rd largest company by sales. It is on 224 position on the Fortune Global 500.
On 30th June, 2018, the company’s board agreed for a joint venture with Tata Steel combining both of their European Steel Business. This resultant company would be Europe’s second largest steel maker.
By Lex Protector ')}