Today’s Trademark- Tim Horton

Tim Horton, a National hockey legend, opened a restaurant that is famous for coffee, doughnuts in Hamilton, Ontario in 1964. After nearly 3 years, Tim Horton and Ron Joyce became partners and started working on the expansion of the business.
In the subsequent years, as the business started to expand and accumulate goodwill, little did they know that the dark day in the history of ‘Tim Hortons’ had approached. Tim Hortons died in a car cash in the early hours of 21st February 1974.
Later, in 1995, the merger of Tim Hortons and Wendy International Inc. hastened its expansion into the United States making it appear on the global restaurant market.
Following, the popularity and impact of the quick food service joint, in the year 2004, The Canadian Oxford dictionary was amended to include the phrase “double double” – the way two-cream, two-sugar coffee is ordered at Tim Hortons.
This reflected the success picture of ‘Tim Hortons’ earned over the years. Presently, with its massive market capture, there are about more than 4,800 distribution outlets worldwide. This makes it our ‘Today’s Trademark’ having registration no. 1690691 under USPTO.
By Lex Protector ')}