Trademark of the week- FOX

Fox Entertainment Group, an empire started with William Fox’s vision, today it is one of the world’s biggest player in the entertainment industry. The first brick was laid by buying of New York nickelodeon for $1,600 turning it into a booming entertaining company, expanding with ownership of further 25 theaters in New York.
In the span of nearly 10 years, William Fox consolidated into Fox Film Corporation and moved to Los Angeles, which marked the beginning of his movie-making career. By the end of the decade, Fox studio was the major provider of films across the globe, producing 50 films a year and approximate worth of $200 million. In 1936, after the merger of Fox Film Corporation with Twentieth Century Pictures, named Twentieth Century Fox, William was forced to declare bankruptcy. Later he was injured in a car crash and died of heart failure in 1952.
In the 1940’s the company experienced financial boon with movies like The Sound of Music, The French Connection and Star Wars. In subsequent years, Oliman Marvin Davis bought the company which was later purchased by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation Ltd. The company expanded like wildfire branching out to the news network, sports, children radio and tv broadcast, cable networks, etc.
Fox Entertainment Group Inc, is the fourth network television channel and movie producer worldwide. The company is persistent towards delivering blockbuster movies, expanding its cable services, producing hit television shows, preserving its sports and news interests. The journey and unparallel success of Fox Entertainment Group makes it our ‘Trademark of the week’ having registration no.1840919 under USPTO.
By Lex Protector ')}