Railroad maintenance of rails, ties, and ballast does require a need for sweepers such as track cleaners, ballast regulators, and cribbers. To make this task easier, the revolving drum or shaft must be attached with a bristle. In today’s patent, we will discuss Boyd B. Moore’s invention, “Flexible Bristle” (US4144610A), which was patented by the USPTO on 20th March 1979.
The present invention relates to a durable wire bristle, affixed to a drum or shaft, which when rotated produces a sweeping action. The prior art invention proved to be unsatisfactory as the wire was not flexible enough, causing fatigue near the affixed end. It also did not provide sufficient stiffness and adequate resistance to the tearing.
The primary objective of this invention is to provide a flexible apparatus for usage by overcoming prior art shortcomings. Further, suitable lubricant is also provided among the wires and the strands of the wire rope in order to reduce friction.