Today’s Trademark- Zero Halliburton
Zero Halliburton is a subsidiary of ACE Co. Ltd. which specializes in manufacturing Travel Cases and Brief Cases made of Aluminium for stronger durability and agility.
In the year 2006, Zero Halliburton was sold to a Japanese Luggage Manufacturer i.e., ACE Co. Ltd. The Aluminium Cases manufactured by Zero Halliburton is one of the most pragmatic and functional Brief Cases because they are extremely durable and can tightly lock so as to expel Water and Dust. These Brief Cases have innovatively changed in due course of time and are made of other Metals combined with Aluminium such as Texallium.
These Aluminium Cases have been displayed in numerous Hollywood Films. The Nuclear Football, which is the Briefcase used to order Nuclear Strikes by the President of the United States is also a modified Zero Halliburton case.
The trademark of this company was registered in USPTO bearing registration number 1184578 on January 5, 1982.