What a soldier does for his nation cannot be explained through words. They are beyond our imagination. From guarding our nation by standing in -50-degree Celsius to urge their uniform saving their nation, the soldiers are the real heroes or real role model of a country.
The sacrifice, love, respect which a soldier has for his country and the situations and circumstances which a soldier and his family endure is something which normal people cannot think of.
The service, the bravery which the soldiers provide to their nation can never be returned. The least normal civilians can do is to help them by providing better equipment so that they can fight in an effective way .
Keeping this nobel thought in mind, MIKOLAJ DRAG invented certain new and advanced king of helmets which could protect our soldiers from bullet and any kind of electric shocks. This invention got patented in 19th February 1918 with patent number US1256532A.
By Lex Protector ')}